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Jobs Board

The Jobs Board page allows you to view the jobs that our members have posted. You can filter the jobs by specifying one or more search values and clicking the "Search" button. The system will display matching jobs. If no search value is specified, all current open jobs will be displayed.  If there are more than 10 matching items, use the Paging controls to see additional pages.
Company Search
Structural Engineers Association of California | SEAOC Foundation
1215 K St., Ste. 1100
Sacramento, CA 95814 | (916) 447-1198

Structural Engineers Association
of Central California (SEAOCC)

Structural Engineers Association
of Northern California (SEAONC)

Structural Engineers Association
of Southern California (SEAOSC)

Structural Engineers Association
of San Diego (SEAOSD)

Members of the National Council
of Structural Engineerings Associations (NCSEA)